This project has been on hold since 2016.
All the data on this site is still available (and will stay available) but not actual anymore.
You might be interested in checking out Dmitry Moskalchuk's portfolio website to learn about his other projects.
请注意!!!您现在看到的是已过期的旧版本CrystaX NDK.
新版本CrystaX NDK 10.3.2已发布, 提供了很多新功能和改进; 请尽量使用最新版本.


Here is customized distribution of Android NDK r5 which I have rebuilt from official sources. Starting from NDK r5, Google added support of C++ exceptions, RTTI and STL to the official NDK. That's good but not enough for many peoples including me. Starting from r5-crystax-1, main goal of this project will be improvements of official NDK (after all, this is the best way to integrate such improvements into mainline - that's how it was with full C++ support in Google's NDK).

One of such big improvements is C++ standard conformant support of wide chars (wide strings, streams etc). Finally, after months of development, it's fully completed. You shouldn't care about wide chars/strings/streams anymore when porting existing code to Android - just compile it using my NDK and go further. Download and enjoy!


CrystaX NDK包含若干开源许可证. 详见每个模块的版权声明文件.

请注意CrystaX NDK发布包中也包括编译器,链接器,文档等的预编译二进制文件. 工具链的源码在GitHub (你可以使用编译脚本自动下载它).

预编译的GCC和其他二进制文件(GDB, binutils 等等)基于the GNU General Public License (GPL) 或 the GNU Lesser General Public License (LGPL). 详见COPYING和COPYING.LIB,位于 $NDK/toolchains/$tc/prebuilt/$system.

预编译的LLVM/Clang工具链基于 LLVM "BSD" license.

基本上, 授权规则等同于Google's Android NDK - 例如, 允许商业&非商业用途. 唯一区别是CrystaX部分, 基于 BSD 2-clause license.


文件 大小 SHA256校验值 63.516 MB 97e69b1928919b1...2f27bee63c8f33
android-ndk-r5-crystax-2-darwin-x86.tar.bz2 53.216 MB 1b2886d75044b3f...b1bc27791ff670
android-ndk-r5-crystax-2-linux-x86.tar.bz2 48.410 MB 3ff2321402ec291...7d1792924be6b7


You can also build your own distribution if you don't want to use my prebuilt versions. To do it, follow instructions below.

Setting up build environment:

Follow instructions from AOSP site except Java part.
WARNING!!! Starting from r5, NDK can be built only on Linux/Mac machines. Windows build is not more supported! However, Windows binaries can be built on Linux using so called "cross-canadian build". To do that, you need install mingw32 package; build script will detect it and build Windows binaries automatically.


  • Download build script and run it:
    wget -O - | /bin/sh
    It might take long time, up to several hours. When script will be finished, it'll print directory containing package with NDK release.
  • Use this package as replacement of Google's NDK!


Our contributors: